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Christmas 2024

This Christmas Eve, in my eyes, is a Miracle. The reason why is, I finished my shopping online/in-store days before. I am so used to going out on Christmas Eve, pushing and shoving to get any kind of item left on the shelf, even if it's at a local Gas Station! Dont lie, you've done it before. In fact, you are probably reading this sitting in the Sunoco Parking Lot! I am even listening to my own song on Amazon (shameless plug), and you can listen too by clicking here: You're Not Here (On Christmas Day).

Now that my shows are finished for the year and my shopping is done, I started to think back to past holidays. When all of my loved ones were gathered around the table on both Christmas Eve and Day. We would travel all over New jersey and New York in 2 days. We would also physically shop in the store, way before online shopping existed and still got home and wrapped every present with care. We never complained.

I hope this season finds you sitting around your tree with a cup of Hot Chocolate, (and a couple of shots of Bailey's), all caught up and reflecting too. And when you open up your gift from your Aunt and see it's a Sunoco Keychain, cherish it!

WIshing you all a Happy Holiday Season!




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